Student Life

Senior Sunrise

photo credit: Youmna Hajjam ’24



On September 6th, the sun was expected to rise at 6:27AM. The senior class of 2024 decided to come together to watch it. Around 6:15AM,  we all gathered at Ross Dock Picnic area in various states of alertness, with bagels and pajamas to kick off the start of our senior year. We wanted to make senior year memorable and felt this was the perfect way to start it off. Talking to fellow classmates they all had positive feedback on the event.

Photo Credit: Regan Lynch ’24

Bella Tarabola ’24 says the most exciting part was  “seeing everyone after a long summer”

It was especially important for senior Siena de Leon ’24 that the organizing seniors made a point to “invite everyone” and give the whole senior class a chance to come together as one, rather than being divided like a lot of previous senior classes. 

“I thought it was really great,” says senior Regan Lynch, “As senior class president, I felt like it was really important to start off the year on a good note and get our whole class together.”

Regan is working on brainstorming some new ideas for the senior class including different fundraisers, events, and awareness for existing senior events. “Let’s raise money now and in the winter so we can have some great special events at the end of the year. Senior is going to be dumb tough.”

The class of 2024 is looking forward to a great year.


What is your favorite part of fall?


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