

heforshe1On September 22nd at the UN Headquarters in New York City, Emma Watson launched the HeForShe campaign, fighting for gender equality. Watson is a UN Goodwill Ambassador who uses her fame for beneficial purposes. For example, on Twitter she often denounces sexist comments and voices her opinion on current events. The HeForShe campaign reaches out to boys and men so they can advocate for terminating the inequalities that girls and women face. Many males joined this conference to hear what Emma Watson had to say. One goal of the campaign is to have one billion males join. This uniting movement fights for improvement in both genders. In Watson’s speech, she stated many eye-opening statistics. For instance, if we as a society do not do anything about the gender inequality gap, it will take seventy-five years for a woman to receive the same salary as a man for doing the same job. Furthermore, in the next few years, 15.5 million girls will be married while still children. It won’t be until 2086 that most female African children will receive a secondary school education. Emma Watson wants to fight for the injustices around the world by uniting both genders. Echoing the goals of Hillary Clinton’s speech in 1997 about feminism, Watson takes it to the next level by uniting  one half of the human race with the other. As of October 2nd at 9:21 p.m. 168,128 males have joined HeForShe. The issue of inequality is not just a women’s issue, but a human rights issue that requires global participation. Join the fight at