
The Think Water Campaign

Water changes everything. There is a water crisis in our world right now. 800 million people are living without clean water. Water affects education, health, poverty, and especially women and children. When families in developing countries are thirsty, they cannot just pour themselves a clean glass of water. Women and children need to walk several miles to collect dirty water. Time spent walking for water keeps these people from work, school, and taking care of their families. Americans do not face these same problems.

Leonia DECA wants to make a difference, and bring clean water to an entire village in Ethiopia. The Think Water Campaign has a goal to raise $5,000 to build a clean water well. This water project can make a world of a difference. After a new water source is built near homes, families can use it to grow small gardens and build up their own food supply. Children can spend more time in school, and go on (focus on becoming)to become integral parts of their community.

Leonia High School students will participate in Think Water’s event, “A Day Without Water”. No morning shower, no washing hands, and no bottled water. We (They)want to put ourselves(themselves) in the shoes of the 800 million people living without water. These students will see for themselves just how reliant they are on their clean water. This will spark conversation, thus spreading the word. Join our effort and try going a day without water!

On December 15th, Think Water will be hosting a ‘Breakfast with Santa’ in the Leonia High School cafeteria. Save the date! Come hungry for breakfast and ready to hear about all the great things that Charity: water and The Think Water Campaign are doing.

On average, every $20 donated supplies one person with a lifetime of clean water. Every $20 allows a woman to take better care of her family. $20 can keep a child healthy and allow him or her to attend school on a regular basis. 100% of donations go toward funding for the clean water system. A donation is just a click away at


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